KOBV > Veranstaltungen > KOBV-Fachkolloquium > 02. KOBV-Kolloquium 2013

02. KOBV-Fachkolloquium 2013

Towards the future – European Consortia and the Next Generation Library Systems

Am 11. September 2013 diskutierten ca. 30 geladene Teilnehmer im Rahmen des 02. KOBV-Fachkolloquiums Themen zur Entwicklung der konsortialen Bibliotheksstrukturen und der nächsten Generation von Bibliothekssystemen.


Background of the Workshop

In Germany there is a political demand for the reorientation of consortia structures. In response to that three out of six German consortia – among them KOBV – have decided to give up their own cataloguing databases in the medium run and to re-invent themselves in the emerging Library Cloud systems.

At the same time a system and role change is taking place: On the one hand, consortia systems and local systems are merging to form an integrated application, on the other hand, vendors such as ExLibris or OCLC are taking over the role of the consortia by hosting systems and offering data management on an international level. From this perspective, there is a need to define structures and services of consortia anew.

As the financial and organisational background is different, the profile and portfolio of the Library Consortia in Europe are not alike. The aim of this event is to share experiences and discuss strategies for future services in a trustful workshop atmosphere.

This workshop serves as the annual colloquium of the Steering Committee of KOBV-Library Consortium.



  • Dr. Thorsten Koch, Head of KOBV-Consortium



Open Discussion


  • Dr. Thorsten Koch, Head of KOBV-Consortium